Friday, February 10, 2017

6 Surprising Stats from the Snapchat IPO Filing

JSC Result 2017 Suspendisse enim justo, tempus a porta at, euismod in tellus. Maecenas congue ante et ante placerat hendrerit. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam tempor, lacus et laoreet viverra, nibh ligula fringilla diam, ut imperdiet eros magna quis lorem. Quisque nec nisl pharetra, convallis ligula maximus, consectetur est. Nullam viverra ante at augue mattis pulvinar. Nulla porta, leo vitae viverra iaculis, arcu ex lobortis dui, non lobortis lectus magna sed elit. Nulla ut pretium ex, at rhoncus neque.

Sed rutrum, urna nec blandit rutrum, libero justo egestas massa, id interdum dolor sem eget nulla. Mauris id justo felis. Aenean nisi felis, gravida sed dictum quis, vulputate a turpis. Mauris sagittis, orci et gravida posuere, orci ipsum scelerisque neque, et finibus dolor sem in quam. Ut semper congue orci vitae hendrerit.

Fusce urna massa, tincidunt vitae odio nec, laoreet faucibus leo. Duis lectus sapien, molestie quis faucibus ut, eleifend in sem. Proin sed sapien feugiat, commodo nisl a, lobortis augue. Suspendisse vitae ullamcorper dui. Pellentesque placerat, dolor vitae viverra sodales, dui mauris euismod enim, non lobortis erat arcu efficitur ex. Nunc dui dui, laoreet at congue et, iaculis in arcu. Duis et nisl elit. Vestibulum ac pellentesque purus, et luctus eros. Quisque sed fermentum elit. Donec velit felis, lacinia vitae lorem et, viverra dignissim erat. Nam et pulvinar turpis. Donec sed velit sit amet turpis tempus faucibus ac in quam. Praesent a ipsum euismod, accumsan massa id, finibus neque. Proin eu leo sit amet metus pharetra lobortis. Aenean risus enim, pretium non auctor vitae, interdum aliquam purus.

6 Surprising Stats from the Snapchat IPO Filing

Snap, parent company of popular messaging app Snapchat, is going public.

Here are six statistics from Snapchat’s IPO filing that marketers will find interesting.

1. 158 million people use Snapchat every day. The filing also revealed that 60 percent of its daily active users create snaps and use its chat service every day. Most of Snapchat’s users are between the ages of 18 and 34 years old.

2. User growth is slowing. As of June, Snapchat had 150 million daily active users. So that means in the last six months of 2016, Snapchat only added 8 million daily active users. According to the filing, Snapchat expects the growth rate of its user base to decline over time. Snapchat also noted that its core demographic “may be less brand loyal and more likely to follow trends than other demographics. These factors may lead users to switch to another product, which would negatively affect our user retention, growth, and engagement.”

3. Snapchat’s revenue skyrocketed in 2016 to $404.5 million. That’s up from $58.7 million in 2015. PSC Result 2017
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Muhammad Subel is a young and challanging web, graphics and logo designer. Big publisher at Adsense also.


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